How to Find a Kitchenware Manufacturer for Amazon FBA Private Label Kitchen Knives?

If you want to sell kitchen knives online, a private label brand is the way to go.

Finding reliable private label manufacturers to partner with is a critical step in a business plan.

Some ‘experts’ have made it out to be a very complex and hard process. It is not.

You don’t have to pay an insurmountable amount to learn how to find suppliers and source products.

The truth is that you can find a knife manufacturer in a very short time.


How To Find Private Label Knife Manufacturer?

Finding suppliers that deliver standard products is not hard. They are on the internet.

However, you wouldn’t get much information in this regard out of Oberlo, AliExpress and other dropship directories or tools.

You need to search on sites like Google and Alibaba or simply send us an email.

Private Label Kitchen Knives

What Are Private Label Products?

Private label products are goods and services created by one company to be sold and branded by another company.

Popular examples of private label products include Walmart’s Great Value brand, Target’s Mainstays, and Amazon’s Amazon Essentials.

In addition to physical products, intangibles and services such as freelance work, web domains, and insurance products can also be private label products.

Amazon Private label is a method used by professional amazon sellers to offer a high ranking items under their own brand, and avoid the buy-box competition


Private label kitchen knives?

The global home and garden industry maintains steady growth with a CAGR of 2%. Currently, the US market is valued at $272 billion and it is predicted to remain on an upward slope during the coming years. So it’s a great a start with private label kitchen knives.

All knives are not the same. From idea, to product launch, our engineers and workers the best possible knives for our clients.

We take the necessary steps to get a client to approve their prototype. When they’re happy, we produce it. An ideal private label production run is as few as 1 piece and as many as 5,000 pieces. There is consideration over every detail – from how a knife closes and opens, to how it pivots, to the cosmetic finishes. Projects often grow into bigger relationships than the original plan. This is a gauge for our mutual success.

It’s also important to maintain a high level of privacy to protect our client’s product launch. We take steps to protect our client’s identity and this ensures our client’s comfort and confidence in our process.

2 thoughts on “How to Find a Kitchenware Manufacturer for Amazon FBA Private Label Kitchen Knives?

  1. Peter says:

    I am looking to have my own line if Knives. I am looking for High quality knives at affordable prices. What is most important is having what I call a high quality work horse Knife.

  2. Pingback: The Best Damascus Steel Chef Knife Factory - Kitchen Knife Manufacturer | Wholesale Chef Knives

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